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What's All The Buzz About?
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Ohio State


John E. Barnes, Jr.


Ken Ferguson
Honorary Board Member
RIP March 2021

Roy & Mary Rush
Honorary Board Member

City of Warrensville Hts.

"The Friendly City"

Stay Tru

Marvin Atkins

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Ken Ferguson

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Community Resource Partners

The B-Buzz Baseball League has enriched the lives of young people in the Lee-Harvard and surrounding communities for over 50 years. This American pastime and community sport has also united neighbors and created lifelong friendships between past B-Buzz alumni.  B-Buzz Baseball League has a mission that is committed to the personal and athletic development of all its players. The league does not simply focus on the fundamentals of the game, like team play and leadership attributes, but through its broader purpose, the league provides wrap-around community resource services and opportunities for everyone involved.

PlayBall! CLE is an initiative of Cleveland Guardians Charities that provides financial support & educational resources strictly to underserved baseball, softball and adaptive organizations throughout Northeast Ohio. Northeast Ohio’s own Cleveland-Cliffs has signed on as the presenting partner of PlayBall! CLE.


Infant Mortality:Our Health Community

OHC is a community-first engagement and innovation company focused on building platforms, programs, and resources that address community needs. We develop cutting-edge tools and strategies that promote health equity.

Major League Baseball and Nike, Inc. announced Nike as the presenting sponsor of the Reviving Baseball in Inner Cities (RBI) Program, MLB’s youth initiative to provide baseball and softball playing opportunities for young people in under-served communities.

The Cuyahoga County Fatherhood Initiative (CCFI) seeks to strengthen families in our community by encouraging fathers to play a more active role in nurturing and raising their children. Cuyahoga County is the only one of 88 counties in Ohio to have a program of this magnitude addressing the issue of fatherhood. The Fatherhood Initiative responds to escalating social concerns regarding "father absence" by providing fathers with access to services and programs designed to prepare them to better meet the emotional, psychological, and financial needs of their children. The CCFI also seeks to increase public awareness of the importance of father involvement

Cleveland Public Library (Cleveland Reads Program)

A city that reads together grows together. That’s the purpose behind the Cleveland Reads Citywide Reading Challenge.The goal is for the entire city to collectively read one million books and/or one million minutes in 2023.

Since 1904, Big Brothers Big Sisters has operated under the belief that inherent in every child is incredible potential. As the nation’s largest donor- and volunteer-supported mentoring network, Big Brothers Big Sisters makes meaningful, monitored matches between adult volunteers ("Bigs") and children ("Littles"), ages 5 through young adulthood in communities across the country. We develop positive relationships that have a direct and lasting effect on the lives of young people

DCFS Foster Care Program

DCFS works to assure children at risk of abuse and neglect are protected and nurtured within a family and with the support of the community as we strive to end the over-representation of people of color in the child welfare system. Safety, permanency, and well-being are the goals for every child and family we encounter.

A non-profit 501c3 organization that teaches financial empowerment to members of various communities. The focus of The Phe’be Foundation is the family. Through a variety of classes and special programs, we educate, assist and empower our communities in achieving financial literacy


the Cleveland Little Free Library Movement was supporting 60 Little Free Libraries and required an endless supply of books to stay stocked: Judy and Judi contacted an online used bookseller who was sending more than 100,000 usable children’s books to recycling every month. In early 2016, the Cleveland Kids’ Book Bank was born.

Families First Health Services is one of the leading counseling practices in Ohio. We provide high quality, focused, professional services to individuals and families throughout northeast Ohio.Intensive outpatient therapy, community support, psychological testing, behavioral health and school-based services are among the most commonly utilized services. Treatment areas include, but are not limited to, behavioral issues, addiction, depression, codependence, anxiety, trauma resolution, etc.

From the day WKYC-TV signed on in late 1948, our team has been committed to respectable storytelling, media innovation, and production excellence. We helped shape American television.


Step by Step is a compassionate team of individuals who are here to guide you back on track and help you rebuild. We offer therapeutic behavioral health services tailored specifically to your individual needs










Our experts know your sport, and the needs of the athletes you serve. They’re based in your community, so you always have someone right there to listen, advise, and meet all your needs.

​Cuyahoga Community College's Recreation is part of the office of Athletics, Wellness, and Community Recreation. This department offers programs and activities that promote learning and development outside the classroom.



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